phone (631) 351-3501
fax (631) 614-4314
Google Maps icon 434 New York Avenue
Huntington, New York 11743

Economic and Community Development Law

The firm provides legal services for development and redevelopment activities that involve state and local governing bodies and related public entities.  The firm is agency counsel to an Industrial Development Agency and has represented applicants before, town and county industrial development agencies.  We offer extensive legal services in the creation of legal and financial strategies for economic and community development projects, as well as business location and expansion projects.

The firm represents community development agencies, and has extensive experience in the creation and implementation of urban renewal agencies and urban renewal plans under Article 15 of the General Municipal Law.  The firm is well-equipped to counsel its urban renewal and community development agency clients regarding all phases of community and economic development, including: condemnation of property under The Eminent Domain Procedure Law and re-development and disposition of properties.